Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fundraising! 16% of the way there!

I've started the fundraising part of my commitment to Team in Training and I now have a fundraising letter in my blog's pages. Many of you will also be seeing a postal mailing with the fundraising letter. I encourage you to share it with everyone you know.

Cancer is the #1 killer in the US and 1 out of 4 people have been touched by it in some way. This means that your family, your neighbors, your boss, your clergy, your handyman, essentially everyone you know may want to join the fight against cancer.

If nothing else, direct them to this site. Let them give me some encouragement as I'm rolling away the miles while riding my bike. I'm willing to accept whatever someone is willing to give as long as it's their way of helping fight cancer.

To those of you that have donated already, THANK YOU! I'm greatly encouraged by your outpouring of support.

Thanks again,

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